Movies & Series W/ Cynthia Erivo

Wicked: For GoodWicked: For Good
Defying Gravity: The Curtain Rises on WickedDefying Gravity: The Curtain Rises on Wicked
Celebrity SubstituteCelebrity Substitute
Simone Biles RisingSimone Biles Rising
Cynthia Erivo & Friends: A New Year’s Eve CelebrationCynthia Erivo & Friends: A New Year’s Eve Celebration
Off Script With the Hollywood ReporterOff Script With the Hollywood Reporter
Luther: The Fallen SunLuther: The Fallen Sun
Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil DinosaurMarvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
The Jennifer Hudson ShowThe Jennifer Hudson Show
Cynthia Erivo: Legendary Voices at the PromsCynthia Erivo: Legendary Voices at the Proms
Running Wild With Bear Grylls: The ChallengeRunning Wild With Bear Grylls: The Challenge
Needle in a TimestackNeedle in a Timestack
Star Wars: VisionsStar Wars: Visions
Wicked in Concert: A Musical Celebration of the Iconic Broadway ScoreWicked in Concert: A Musical Celebration of the Iconic Broadway Score
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